Social Media Marketing

With an ever-growing family of social content specialists, we curate communication and start conversations that reward and resonate with your audience. With a decade worth of practice in staying on top of topical chatter, we know how to maximise reach, recall and impact across platforms that we identify as most appropriate for your brand.

  • Strategic Campaign Planning
  • Designing and Maintaining Social Media Platforms
  • Integrated Social Media Marketing Campaigns
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Digital Video Commercials
  • Vox Pop Videos
  • Social Lead Generation campaigns
  • Twitter Trending campaigns
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

With social media becoming more important every day, there's a case for every business to exploit this platform for marketing. When you consider that 73% of marketers have found social media effective for their business, you’ll see that this is an ideal platform for boosting your revenue.

Yes, social media marketing can be used for a B2B brand. Effective B2B marketing requires a different approach. B2B marketers have to think more strategically to reach business owners and decision-makers through social media marketing. They then nurture relationships that can lead to large purchase agreements.

Social media helps a brand to create a brand identity, generate online traffic, get user-generated data, increase brand engagement with customers, and more.

Social media can be your most valuable lead-generation channel if you know how to use it right. With 3.6 billion people using social media worldwide, it’s the perfect channel for businesses to reach and attract leads. It’s only a matter of using the right tactics at the right time.